David Lawley (lung transplant 1995) took over, as editor, in Nov 99 after being ‘dobbed in’ by Sue Tamblyn and his wife Janice Davey ‘as something to keep him off the streets’.
He was there
At my heel-
Friendly Kelpie-all smiles,
Walking, dreaming through
The bushland past the creek,
Seeking-who knows what?
He ran off-
Full of life
Chasing rabbits-or a smell-
Then down to drink his fill,
Slurping ripples in reflected skies
Seeing-who knows what?
I have been where
He walks dreaming-
I dreamed too, when breath
Was short and life seemed drear,
When thoughts of death
Were not thoughts of fear.
But those bright eyes
Kept me alive;
Come down and drink with me
They said, and run with me
The wild run of life again-
Do not despair, He was there!!
Is it my reflection
In that puddle?
It should not be-
I should not feel the rain
Upon my head or feel
The wind that blows
The rain in my eyes-
Is it rain?
Another day-
The blue of the sky,
The Sun, the gentle breeze
That sends scents of greener grasses
Than ever were before.
I should not see or feel
The turning Earth beneath me-
Is this me?
My tears of joy drop down
To join the crystal dew-
A potent brew that distills
Into the breath of life itself;
Now another spirit travels with me-
A gift which spins in synchronicity
Down my tight spiral of time.
We are the double-helix-
We are dancers to the
Music of life…..
No buts!